Friday, February 29, 2008

The Sick Giraffe Named Frank

Once there was a giraffe named Frank.
Frank never went outside
because he thought he would get some kind of sickness,
worse than the one he already had!
Frank thought he had some sort of sickness because he had brown spots all over him!
He thought it was brown chicken pox (even though he didn't know what that was).
So Frank's life wasn't
fun, or silly, it was just boring.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Racing Turtle Named Bob

Once there was a turtle named Bob.
Bob wasn't any ordinary turtle,
he was racing turtle,
the fastest turtle in all the land.
Bob could go 1/2 a mile per hour!
Isn't that so fast?
Bob was nicknamed;
the racing turtle named Bob.
This is a photo of Bob winning a race.

Chewing Gum

chewing gum is oh so gross,
chewing gum i hate the most.

The Dancing Bunny Named Phil

a silly bunny, named Phil, hops out to say a silly little hello,
then the silly bunny starts to dance,
oh, what a silly dance,
he danced the can can,
then all silly animals came out and laughed,
and laughed,
and laughed,
and laughed.